This is just a thought from us here at Walnut Grove Info, but after seeing the attached article in the Walton Tribune on July 13, 2022 we had a thought. Wouldn't it be nice to see that the city, instead of using a volunteer for the City Facebook page would instead use staff to keep it up. It seems that while the posts do sometimes list the "entire" calendar once a month in ONE general post, the volunteer is more about the "social" aspect of the city... giving lots of attention to the City Park Market and the Library.

There are posts for Library closings and other things. There is little done to remind you of Council Meetings, tell you about Public Hearings, other Committee and Commission meetings. Seems to us that those things would be important to some. We noticed that a recent Public Hearing that barely made the newspaper brought out quite a few people. That meeting was postponed to July 21, 2022 and yet there has been no OTHER information put out regarding this Hearing. We do not know why the city chooses to be so "quiet" about these sort of things, but it certainly does not support their promise of transparency when petitioning for your votes.

If you needed to do business last week on Thursday or Friday a notice on Facebook may have saved you a trip. Seems to us that KNOWING City Hall is CLOSED for two days would be worthy of a post. Just our thoughts on this.



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