Regular Meeting of City Council of Walnut Grove
November 11, 2021
7:00 PM

Mary Hall has resigned her position on council and Downtown Development. There will be a special election to fill her spot with qualifying being Feb 15-Feb 18, 2022 and the election March 15, 2022. Councilman Jon Dial was voted in as Mayor Pro-tem to remain in that position until January 2023.

The Rezone(s) on the agenda. While the Mayor allowed comments from the floor for or in opposition of this rezone, it was not clear whether this was an actual Public Hearing or simply an invitation to speak.

There were 3 regarding the CornDawgs properties. The one for Commercial and the one for Office passed unanimously. The developer stated that they really have no plans for what will go into the commercial properties and while we were unable to hear well online, it sounded as though they plan to sell that. The rezone is supposed to somehow include that the Fire Dept will pay a role in what is allowed to go in at that location so as not to interfere with their ingress and egress.

The PUD (Planned Urban Development), which means homes, has been postponed to be discussed again at the workshop with consideration again at the December council meeting. Councilwoman Moncrief pushed to have this done and made a motion with a second from Councilman Dial. Councilwoman Pilgrim voted to not postpone the vote.

There was an executive session for discussion on potential litigation. Upon returning from the session there was a vote to approve an emergency expenditure of $15, 985 for Emerald Cove Stormwater drain.

They were lagging on getting the crosswalk in for students across Park Street at the roundabout, but Councilwoman Moncrief pushed for more immediate action since it has been in discussion for many months. Mayor Moore had indicated that he wanted council to approve an expenditure of up to $10,000.00 and he would wait at least another 30 days for other people to give an estimate that might come in lower than the $9,650.00 from Peachtree State. The Mayor indicated that he was hoping for an estimate from a specific company to see if they would be lower. Councilwoman Moncrief felt this had gone on long enough and that the Mayor should move forward with that.