Worshop Meeting of City Council of Walnut Grove
10:00 AM
JANUARY 27, 2022


First business was to add an agenda item for DDA Intergovernmental Agreement. This was basically just housekeeping so that the DDA can run under the city insurance for now. Also the city will also have to sign their checks. The Mayor mentioned that the DDA will be having a workshop meeting on Monday, January 31 at City Hall. No detail was provided for this meeting.

There was a discussion on PUD (Planned Urban Development) restrictions and whether or not restricions should also apply across the board to other city residents. One instance of that is it appears the city will be instituting the need to get a permit if you wish to install fencing on your property. This is NOT something that has passed, only under discussion. They also discussed would the current properties in the PUD have to abide by the new rules or would they be grandfathered in to the old rules. That question was not fully answered at this time. They also asked the attorney to include in the ordinances that citizens would need to show/prove compliance with their HOA’s in their plans before any permits are issued thereby taking the “heat” of the city for compliance as generally speaking the HOA restrictions will be greater than those of the city. There was discussion as to whether or not to allow you to keep your “toys” at your home, such as campers, boats, trailers with ATV’s, jet skis etc. The mayor indicated he would like to see some city wide restrictions in this category. There was quite a bit of discussion as to what type of additional buildings (sheds and storage buildings) will be allowed on properties and whether this would apply to only the PUDS or additional town properties. There was discussion as to size, what type of materials could be used and for what purpose, etc. He also indicated that he wanted to put this in place by the next council meeting.

There was discussion about employee benefits, mainly dealing with vacation time and personal leave days. The mayor put forth a plan where those days will now ROLL OVER and accrue. We did not hear what the exact limits on that would be. It was confusing to us as he seemed to be complaining about 2 employees that left with “large checks” and yet it seems that this will create almost the same scenario possibility. Being familiar with the empolyees referenced at today’s meeting, we do know that the employees left voluntarily, in good stead with the city and that any checks issued at the time of their departure were discussed with the city attorney as to what was legal and correct. What confused us most was the the mayor referred to the new plan as “like a retirement plan”. He indicated that these days would encourage employees to stay on. He did say that instead of a single check if an employee left, it would be paid out over the days earned.

The New Master Plan for the downtown district the Mayor seems to be proposing is one that includes the ability to have properties that can be either office space or living space in the downtown district. These would be likely 3 story buildings. We didn’t hear discussion about how many of each so we had to wonder whether or not they could all end up as “living quarters”. We were unable to see images he was showing council, but have made the assumption based on the comments of who made the plan that this is the same graphic presented at the last council meeting. The Mayor made reference to loosening the restrictions on business in the overall downtown overlay and putting more restriction on just the Downtown District. Our question is just how far would he be proposing “loosening” restrictions. What would he be considering allowed that is not currently allowed? The attorney indicated that the council needs to know the parameters better in order to answer citizens questions prior to presentation to the city residents and we agree with that methodology as long as there is full, honest imagery and conversation with citizens so we in Walnut Grove don’t end up like what is going on now in other parts of the county with residents fighting to have something “undone” that those citizens should have fought “before it happened”.

The Mayor indicated that the round-about is still scheduled for 2024 and that he had been in discussion about roundabouts for each end of the Walnut Grove Parkway.

During this meeting there was little or no input from Councilman Dial or Councilwoman Pilgrim on any of the discussion. Councilwoman Moncrief had a number of suggestions and questions which we were pleased to hear.

Note from the manager of this website: There were many references during this meeting to “keyboard warriors”. Being as we appear to be only people around online with comments in regards to the City of Walnut Grove, we can only surmise that the reference was intended there. We at are only trying to bring information to the citizens as we get it and in more detail than the city provides. We are NOT “keyboard warriors” but simply information gatherers. We attempt to be neutral in our comments but will express concerns, lack of clarity, etc.

For the record, we have no problem speaking to someone face to face when appropriate and necessary. The problem for us, however, is an unwillingness of some city officials to speak to us and answer our requests and questions.

Today’s “keyboard warrior” is signing off for now.